Thursday, September 9, 2010

     My Labor Day weekend, like most weekends, consisted of trying to find something to do. After doing just about everything there is to do in the LaCrosse area, it becomes more and more difficult to find something new and interesting. I spend a lot of time on the computer on the same old websites, and trying to find new music or just something to amuse myself. I spend a lot of time with my friends driving around and repeating the phrase “I’m bored” over and over. That last sentence seemed redundant, but so do my weekends. Not having a steady job usually affects my activities, due to lack of money. Every once in awhile I catch a break when I get a descent paycheck. Descent paychecks usually equal more activities. So, I guess that’s what my usual activities are.
     The activities I enjoy doing involve playing pool, swimming/being out in the sun, going to movies, listening to music, going to concerts, eating, and just joking around and having a good time in general. what I love to do most is creating artwork while listening to my favorite music. I get a rush trying to amaze people’s brains with visual creations and masterpieces. I never really got around to doing any of that because I seem to have used up my creative fuel. I am really into making the images my head and my imagination come to live in two dimensional form. For the most part I don’t do much because I’m so jaded. I’ve done everything I can think of, and everything I haven’t done, involves money.